Friday, August 7, 2015

The greatest of all time...

It is my opinion that the greatest artist to exist is Earth.  I am sure that there are many others, but I haven’t been given the opportunity to yet experience them first-hand.  Watching the flutter of a butterfly is art at its finest.  The dance of a swarm of gnats is well choreographed.  The hum of a hummingbird doing air gymnastics and the delightful sounds of leaves as they rustle in the breeze is music to my ears.  Look at a flower, any flower and you will discover perfection.  Is it the touch of such softness, the vast range of colors or the subtle aroma?  I see art in everything that Earth creates and sometimes, when it’s not right, those creations disappear.  But should you decide to look and listen and feel: you too will see dance and music and the visual arts.  And should you look even closer you will find great art installations that will inspire and bring meaningfulness to your mindfulness.                                                                                   - yani

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